Two of my friends from my CCC days came out to visit. Robin had flown in from Oregon to visit family and drove out to Walnut Creek for the day. Brandi, who lives near Yosemite, drove out too. It was so fun to have all 3 of us together with the kids, we havent been all 3 together since my wedding 6 1/2 years ago, and then before that since we were in the CCC together about 10 years ago! We had a great time catching up, and the kids loved playing together! I only hope that it doesnt take 6 years to get together again!

Donovan showing Soren a book
Donovan, Bella, Kiera
We even braved Applebees with all 7 kids for lunch
Kiera, Donovan, Braden, and Jack
Ella, gotta love a messy baby!
Ella and Bella trying to escape
so cute! holding hands on the walk back home from picking Jackson up from Kindergarten
they had fun shuffling through the leaves
Braden, Donovan, Jackson, Kiera, and Bella