Friday, April 11, 2008


Donovan has always been attached to stuffed animals. Last year at Easter Grammy Bunny bought the kids some new animals, and Donovan got a chick that he named "Duckie" or "Chompie". Since then this has been his favorite. Donovan has to sleep with him at night, he wants to take him everywhere, and he just loves him. On Wednesday Corey took the boys to J.C.Penny's to order new headboards for their rooms, and Corey let him take Duckie into the store. ( Such a big no-no, I am always afraid that he will lose him, so I make him stay in the car) Anyway, while there Duckie somehow got torn on a bench and thrown away. I then get a call from Corey who tells me what is going on, and I can hear Donovan crying/screaming in the background. I tell Corey he has to find Duckie, so he calls the store and the nice guy who answers went to the garbage and rescued him! Today Corey went back and got Duckie. After I performed a little surgery he is as good as new, with just a few minor scars. Donovan is a very happy boy!

1 comment:

mommyto3kiddos said...

Glad to know that Duckie & Donovan have both recovered. :)