Sunday, April 26, 2009


Ok so I know I have been seriously neglecting my blog :( In my defense while we were staying at my parents I could not get my memory card to download pictures to their computer. Now that we are in our new place and I have my computer I hope to update a lot more frequently! So here a lot of new pictures and updates on what we have been doing for the last few months! (I don't have the pictures from Halloween or Thanksgiving yet, but hope to update those soon) You will have to scroll all the way back to December to get all the new stuff, Hope you enjoy!



Heather said...


Thanks so much for the advice. Roman had a good 2 days, even though he is still spitting up constantly. I told myself if it doesn't get better in another week or so, I'm gonna bring him in for some meds.

I'm going to enjoy catching up on all the latest with your blog.


robin said...

it's about time! it must have taken you forever to update...mine always does!
Bella is getting so BIG, and her hair is now WAY longer than soren's!

Autumn said...

Love the update--I totally didn't realize you have a red head--I do to and can't figure out where he came from!! Go figure. Hope you are loving the new place!

Katie Jo said...

wow, thats okay, i totally forgot about my blog til tonight! how big the kids are omg.... i miss you all and hope to come visit whenever dustin gets out of nursing school! love you