On my Mom's 60th Birthday we threw her a SURPRISE party. It turned out wonderful and she was definitely surprised to see lots of family and friends! My Aunt Linda and Aunt Lois helped out so much when they came early to help Corey and I set up all the lanterns and tables and make all of the yummy food! We made teriyaki chicken, rice, salad, and pineapple sweet potato kabobs. It turned out to be a wonderful celebration!
The birthday girl getting surprised as she came home from lunch and a movie with my Dad

the beautiful backyard (Corey spent a lot of time back there in the last month putting new sod and bark in)

Some friends brought cards, wine, and flowers.

The birthday cake I made. The biggest cake I have ever attempted! It took 4 boxes of cake mix, and turned out so good!

I was so happy with the cake, even the inside looked pretty! LOL

Jessie, Corey, and Bella

Donovan and Jackson had so much fun playing with Ron (Hilary's husband)

The synchro gang