Monday, February 4, 2008

Jack and Van's Excellent Adventure

On Saturday Corey and I packed the kids in the car and told them we were going on a surprise trip. We started by going to McDonald's, or as Jack calls it Ronald McDonalds house, which the kids love.

Then it was off to Big Five to get rain ponchos.

And finally we made our way to Oakland to the Coliseum for MONSTER JAM!

We parked and started walking in, and they still had no idea what we were doing, until they heard someone walking by saying that there were monster trucks.

They got so excited! They love to watch it on t.v., Corey even has it on season pass on the tivo for them! Unfortunately when it actually started it started to rain ( it was only misty when we got there) so we only lasted for about an hour. We saw them race, but missed most of the freestyle competition. It was still a blast, and the boys loved it, except for the part where we had to walk out to the parking lot in the rain!

Jackson and Donovan all bundled up

Bella in her rain poncho

Grave Digger and Donkey Kong all lined up to race

Spinning mud in the air

jumping over the cars

1 comment:

Autumn said...

I am betting this is was sooo exciting for two little boys! What a great idea for me to save for later.